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Thank you for visiting Lifetime Health 

Discover How Reflexology & Craniosacral therapy Helps You:
• Escape from the chaos of day-to-day life
• Feel vitalized, worthy and refreshed
• Let go of tension and fear &, experience
 better sleep, sharper focus, sustained energy, faster recovery, and natural stress resilience.

The best kind of medicine is the gentlest treatment that produces the maximum healing response”  Andrew M Weil MD 


Does it feel like staying healthy is an endless game of catch-up?

You’re constantly chasing solutions – 

  • • Chronic or nagging health concerns
    • Lack of energy or focus
    • Constant pain
    • Sleepless nights and fighting fatigue
    • Battling brain fog,
    • Managing weight gain
    • And more……


    It’s easy to wonder if true vitality is even possible…

  • Now imagine if this cycle didn’t have to be your story.

  • What if you could get ahead of these challenges?

  • Chronic conditions, aging, and energy slumps don’t have to run your life – you have the power to take control!

  • Let’s fix this together, to help you stay ahead of health challenges.

  • Imagine starting each day with a clear mind, vibrant energy, and knowing you’re living free from the weight of chronic issues…

    We understand that you have challenges –

Our founder managed to reverse his chronic condition without medical intervention when experts said: “it couldn’t be done”.


Always here to support you to a healthier future 

Your success is foremost. That’s why we take time to understand your daily demands, creating a realistic wellness plan that provides the right level of challenge and support to help you reach your wellness goals.

We’re here to support your transformation, focusing on:
• Vibrant health – It can be a joyful experience to have more energy, focus, lifted  mood and more…..
• Physical, mental and emotional well-being
• Personal growth and potential


What will you experience?

Active, careful listening, genuine presence and attention during consultations to understand your specific concerns, health history, and goals.
• Identify and work with key reflexology reflexes and/or gentle craniosacral holding, so you receive an immersive experience and achieve and maintain your best future health.. 
• Document your sessions carefully to track your progress.
• A clean, calming treatment space.
• Play soothing background music if you prefer it.
• Communicate clearly about what you can expect during sessions and maintain professional boundaries.
• Follow up after sessions to check on progress.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” ―Charles Darwin



Our Philosophy

At Lifetime Health, we believe in:
• Optimism and the power of possibilities to make your future better than your past
• Holistic, gentle approaches to healing
• Personal responsibility for health
• Safe, effective, drug-free therapies Therapeutic reflexology and Craniosacral therapy

Our approach 

1. Comprehensive care: Physical, mental, and emotional health all in one place
2. Personalized pace: Rapid transformation or gradual improvement, with ease.
3. Focus on possibilities, not limitations


Improved work-life balance
Enhanced mental clarity and focus
Better stress management
Increased energy and vitality
Superior long-term health outcomes

Saving you money and time


When you follow the simple principles that are shared with you – “together we can create something better”, it will change your life in a very valuable way, for good, even if past attempts have no succeeded. This is not marketing puffery. this is a guarantee I can keep!

Why Choose Lifetime Health?

• Safe, non-invasive methods
• Effective, side-effect-free treatments
• Empowering you with health education
• Personalized care focused on your values and goals.


My promise to you

The truth about me is I never fake care for anyone. I choose to care for my patients and its real and genuine and it’s because I want to. What I give I give from my heart without any motives or strings attached. I believe in sincerity. That’s just who I am. If I invest my time, my energy or my love, it’s because you matter to me, plain and simple. I don’t play games or pretend to care just to get something back. My feelings are honest and my actions come from a place of true intention, so when I show up for you, when I offer my support or my kindness know that it’s real. That’s the kind of person I am and that’s how I choose to live my life. 


Arthur’s methods

are safe, non-invasive, effective and free from harmful side effects. He’s dedicated to empowering you with knowledge to maintain your long-term health.
Whether you’re managing nagging health issues or seeking overall wellness, he offers a comprehensive, effective and natural path to better health.

Offering and rates

Our services are not free we’re afraid, but they sure are reasonable. How reasonable? VERY reasonable as we’ll prove when we talk – and you’re certainly not committed to anything. No strings attached.
Sessions are approx 1 hour in duration

Take the First Step

Your journey to better health starts with a single, courageous decision. What path will you choose today?

Contact Arthur 0824560155, to begin your personalized journey to wellness. Because you deserve to live, not just exist.


Example: When Carol,(not her real name), came to see me, she was desperate to overcome her depression and anxiety , because this was impacting her home life, her work life, her social life – in fact her whole life. She had tried a number of different treatments, none of which helped her. She was seeking a safe, drug-free, effective solution: “I experienced, the first time in my life, severe depression and anxiety due to trauma. I was seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist. They prescribed antidepressant and anxiety medication to me. The medication that I started using made the depression worse every day, the medication even caused severe insomnia where I was unable to sleep for days. Severe depression is very difficult to heal by itself without getting any help. I was a referred to you by a trusted colleague. Can you help me”?
I listened attentively to Carol’s health history, current hurdles and desired outcomes. With this information, we crafted a personalised roadmap that aligned with her goals and values, outlining where we would start, the steps we would take together and the benefits she could anticipate, focussing on possibilities instead of limits or obstacles.Importantly, I assured her of unwavering support without making unrealistic promises and she was happy with this assurance.
Carol was not familiar with Craniosacral therapy or Therapeutic reflexology, so I explained how the therapies worked, their benefits, that they were completely safe, had no harmful side-effects, and they would also save her time and money. She then requested a treatment. During the session, I prompted her with what I was doing and how it would benefit her. My vision was to empower her to manage her health.
Carol: ”My journey with Arthur was transformative. Weekly craniosacral therapy sessions gradually improved my emotional and mental well-being, restoring my sleep patterns and energy levels. Over time, my depression diminished, leading to a complete recovery. I recognised the importance of consistency, so I continued to see Arthur monthly for maintenance sessions, which are essential for my holistic well-being.
Later, I faced a new health challenge with a lupus diagnosis. Arthur incorporated Therapeutic reflexology into my treatment plan to address lupus symptoms and support my overall health”.
Carol’s story speaks volumes about the profound impact of the care I took to transform her health. I am honoured to have played a role in her recovery and remain dedicated to providing compassionate support and care to all my patients.


Did you know that 60-70 million Americans are suffering from gastrointestinal (GI) diseases that can create serious disruptions to daily life, because gut health is fundamental to general good health? (We can safely assume the same thing is happening in S.A)

Did you know people with chronic gastrointestinal conditions often experience abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea constipation etc, resulting in a diminished quality of life and overall fitness levels?

Did you know research suggests a connection between gut health and concentration, memory, and overall mental clarity?

Imagine how you’d feel if you could get safe, drug-free support for your health concerns at a fraction of the cost of medical treatment & medication and which will also save you time?

Imagine, too, your sense of satisfaction when you accomplish this?

You don’t have to imagine it. Here are 3 more success stories:

  1. “I would like to thank Arthur Rosen for his dedication to his profession and for all the care and understanding he has given to my son during his recovery from his accident”. Marlene K.
  2. “Once again, I would like to thank you so much for sharing your skill and talent in the healing of my son, Cal. I didn’t get the opportunity to thank you for your generous kindness in so willingly giving up your week-end time for him”, Thank you! Kind regards, Kay
  3. “Arthur treats my husband who suffers with Alzheimer’s. He has a wonderful gift and is an outstanding therapist”. Sincerely, Iris Y


Experience the difference. An unique approach to what ails you that sets me apart from others, tailored for your success. Here’s how I can support you:

Have you noticed that the number of adverts with a promise of: “It takes 30 days to fully transform your body.” “How to lose 6kgs in 30 days”, has increased over the past few years?

We can’t guarantee those type of claims, but it is a guarantee that when you follow the simple principles that are shared with you – “together we can create something better”, it will change your life in a very valuable way, for good, even if past attempts have not succeeded. We deliver more than you pay for:

  • As mentioned above, your health comes first. Time second.
  • I look for the hard parts and the parts that are not obvious, not avoid them.
  • I don’t treat mechanically, because treating mechanically is a waste of time. It’s not what intelligent therapists do. I prefer to think a little more about your challenges and the outcome you want.
  • You can behefit from Craniosacral therapy or Therapeutic reflexology, whichever resonates with you or which we feel is going to achieve the best outcome for you.
  • Valuable and reliable information, guidance, and support, provided, tailored to your needs:
    • My aim is to treat YOU as a person, first, by seeking to understand your concerns, your personal relationships, your hobbies, your work and all that affects your life, until you feel I understand, with the aim of helping you get you the results you need and want.
    • Motivational Support: Empathy, support, guidance, based on your needs,  to help you stay committed to their health goals. Whether it’s weight management, lifestyle changes, or overcoming health challenges, positive reinforcement can be crucial.
    • Personalised Treatments by a registered Reflexologist/Craniosacral therapist, with more than 20 years experience.
    • Therapist who Partipates in Ongoing Learning.  I’d rather have a therapist who regularly attends trainings, wouldn’t you?
    • Health Information: Provided on a wide range of health topics. Whether you have questions about specific medical conditions, wellness practices, or general health advice.
    • Dietary Advice: Guidance on nutrition, including information on balanced diets, healthy eating habits, and specific dietary recommendations for various health goals.
    • Lifestyle Recommendations: Personalized suggestions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This includes advice on nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and other factors that contribute to overall well-being.
    • Psychological Health Support: Strategies for promoting mental health, stress reduction, and emotional well-being. Tips on mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and coping mechanisms.
    • Fitness Guidance: Exercise suggestions, and tips for staying active. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your fitness routine, I can provide tailored advice.
    • Disease Prevention: Preventive measures to reduce the risk of various diseases. This may include guidance on vaccinations, screenings, and healthy habits that can contribute to long-term well-being.
    • Medical Awareness: Raise awareness about the importance of regular check-ups, screenings, and early detection of health issues. This proactive approach can contribute to better overall health outcomes.
    • Availability: 24/7, ensuring quick access to health-related assistance. Moreover, my responses are tailored to your individual needs, making the information more relevant and actionable.
    • Homebound patient assistance: Treatment in the comfort of your home.
    • Get more than you pay for + kIndness.

    Experience of many people, from our Reflexology/ Craniosacral treatments who have, previously, tried other approaches: Feel better: Relief from Pain, Stress and Anxiety, Fear, Arthritis, Depression, Back Pain & Headaches, Foot Pain, Sleep quality, Gut health, Weight problems, Diabetes, And more – , because we focus on the deepest level of healing. In addition, treatments are Safe Non-invasive & there are no side effects.


Do you think this is something you’d like to do? Give Arthur a call on 0824560155. (It is totally free and you’re bound to learn something valuable about your concerns).


Our results speak for themselves. (See ” Guarantee & Success Stories”, above).


Take the pressure off yourself. You don’t have to live with nagging physical or emotional health concerns….

You don’t need a perfect solution to be healthy.  Success comes from small steps. “By the yard it’s hard, by the inch it’s a cinch”.


It will be an honour and a privilege to be your partner and focus on the outcome that’s important to you.

Imagine how you’d feel if you could restore your health without turning your life upside down and at a fraction of the cost of medical treatment, medication and your time?



The shifts you can experience:

Feel better.

Live better.

More energy.

Better sleep.

Better focus.

Lifted mood.

Manage stress & anxiety.

Better connection with others.

Reconnect to vitality and aliveness after trauma.

Peace of mind.

Gain enhanced health in any circumstances, often resolving issues that are not helped by other means.


My approach is to support you and improve physical factors, such as, nutrition, sleep, exercise & deep breathing and non-physical factors , such as stress & anxiety, anger and fear, that might be affecting your wellness and your effectiveness.


My mission is simple

To maximise your quality of life, so yoy enjoy a better future.
Sharing smiles, laughter and creating a positive and interactive experience that adds health & happiness to you life.

Offering and rates

Our services are not free we’re afraid, but they sure are reasonable. How reasonable? VERY reasonable as we’ll prove when we talk – and you’re certainly not committed to anything. No strings attached.
Sessions are approx 1 hour in duration (babies 15 min., children 30 min), and the number of sessions depends upon each individual’s therapeutic needs and goals; and the severity and intricacy of the presenting problem. Sessions are available Monday – Saturday 8.30am -5pm by appointment. Simply call Arthur 0824560155.


You will save money with our Value Packages. Simply call Arthur 0824560155 to find out how you can take advantage of this offer.


Doing the right thing even when nobody is looking

I treat what is important to you with care, embracing active listening, kindness, fairness and integrity,


Is what you’re recommending right for me?

The first thing people  ask when they seek my help: “Will Craniosacral therapy or Therapeutic Reflexology work for me and will they give me lasting results”?

The best answer I can give you is: “They have worked for me. (See My Experience above). I

You will never regret doing things that make you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled. You will only regret playing it safe and letting fear win.


  • Are you, like many people, concerned about the consequences of having neglected your health? (This  happened to me. See “Why I do What I do”, below).
  • Do you feel that you need more energy, better focus, lifted mood, better connection with others, less stress & anxiety and peace of mind?
  • Do you feel stuck and keep falling back to the same old routine that just isn’t working for you?

Tell me about a typical day in your life, so I can help you with what you value, what is good for you and what you have reason to do. Our step-by-step programme is customised, simple, flexible and aims at helping you achieve lasting change.




Can I do it? Is it ever too late for me? How do I know it works?

  1. These are limiting self-doubts. I suggest you ask yourself 3 questions. 1. Can I do it? 2. Do I want to do it?  3. Should I do it? 
  2. The third one Should I do it?  is a value question. The second one Do I want to do it?  is a motivation question and deals with your unique voice and passion.  If you can answer yes to those two questions,
  3. then look at the first question Can I do it? That’s a competency question and that deals with getting proper coaching and support.
  4. I find that the fundamental problem that people have in doubting the validity of these ideas is not the ideas. They make good sense to most everybody. It’s that they doubt themselves. All I can say is, start slow, and, in small ways, make and keep promises to yourself.
  5. The first one is Can I do it?  How do we learn best? By doing. If we won’t apply it, it won’t work. There is no silver bullet. The information we share with you is based on correct principles. Correct principals are like lighthouses, they do not move.  They are natural laws.  We cannot break them, only break ourselves against them.  We might as well learn them, accommodate them, utilise them and be grateful for them.  Then they enlarge us and emancipate us and empower us.


Don’t tie yourself to your history, tie yourself to your potential, bearing in mind that life’s not perfect and we all mess up at times.



Getting started.

I understand that you may feel hesitant about making an appointment?
No need. Craniosacral Therapy & Therapeutic Reflexology are not harmful. They are gentle, safe, effective, suitable for all ages and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions.  And, most importantly, no side-effects. Simply remind yourself that I am on your side, your ally in keeping you healthy by identifying problems and potential problems.

I treat you and potential patients with kindness and empathy and provide a safe, predictable, trusting space where you are free to be yourself.

So why not get going? Simply recognize that you don’t have to be perfect and Arthur doesn’t expect you to be perfect. Just do a little better than you did yesterday. You’ll find It’s easier than you think and the more you do it, the easier it gets. And it’s fun too! Will you look back and say, ‘I wish I had,’ or ‘I’m glad I did’?



My commitment to you

We aim to empower you to manage your health, along with continual improvements, safely, gently, effectively in a way that saves you time and money and so you get the rewards you desire. You get help and support consistently, so you can identify what to do next, each step of the way, and you can take each step with confidence.


Who Can Benefit from Therapeutic Reflexology/Craniosacral therapy?

Therapeutic Reflexology/Craniosacral therapy, delivered by a registered therapist, are suitable for all ages and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Many people find it beneficial to continue with regular treatments in order to maintain health and well-being.

With ever increasing levels of stress, anxiety and uncertainty, reflexology helps us to cope on a physical, mental and emotional level thereby encouraging us to heal and maintain health in all areas of our lives.

The therapies can enhance health in any circumstances, often resolving issues that are not helped by other means. They are profoundly transformative and get you unstuck because they treat the underlying cause. This helps you have more energy, better focus, lifted mood, connection with others and fun.



(I help individuals and groups fast forward onto a path rooted in principles, that unites wellness and mental toughness).


Simply call Arthur for appointments , or if you’d prefer having a conversation about your needs and values and how I can help you with a solution for what ails you (No sign up or anything needed).



How do Reflexology & Craniosacral therapy work and how can they help you?

  • Perhaps you have serious health challenges; perhaps you are starting on your health transformation journey, or perhaps you have a current routine that just isn’t working for you?  Wherever you are, Reflexology & Craniosacral therapy can help you.
  • Though it sometimes seems foreign and mysterious to many Westerners, Reflexology & Craniosacral therapy are gentle & calming, drug-free, totally safe procedures, delivered with the hands only, that enhance and restore health and integration of body, mind and spirit, effectively.


Health & healing.

I take a dynamic view of ill-health and of healthy balanced living – connecting what you value, what is good for you and what you want to do.

Why is this important?

  • The parts, organs and systems of the human body are interconnected, and they mutually assist, reinforce, and influence each other.
  • For example, the brain controls your emotions (what you feel), imagination what you remember and think), what you learn and the way you move and talk.
  • It also controls the beating of your heart and the digestion of your food. Your eyes see and your entire body is affected; your ears hear and your entire body is stirred.

No other procedures can do what deep Reflexology & Craniosacral therapy do, because they treat the ‘whole’ person. You’ll get there faster with a bit of help.




What can I do to help you?

I’d love to see how I can be helpful to you in particular.


Want to know if Reflexology/Craniosacral are a good fit for you?

If you want any advice, chat to me on 0824560155, or if you prefer a copy of my “Client Comfort Guide”, simply email me:



What am I good at?

Getting together with patients and allowing them  to get clear about their future wellness.


 If this resonates with you, simply chat to me on 0824560155 – or email


To get an effective results oriented solution for Executives:

Click on www.executivehealthsolutions below




© by Lifetime Health


Have you ever been told: “nobody knows the cause of your condition, there is no cure and you just  have to live with it?”
What if you were provided with the tools that help you transform painful, scary and stressful gut health challenges in your life into one that is meaningful, courageous, and inspiring?
Are you ready to discover your path to a healthier life that gives you more energy, vitality and peace of mind?
240.00 (South African).
Contact Arthur on 0824560155 or

Success Stories

“My son had a skateboard accident during his Xmas holidays in Natal. He was then rushed .to Saint  Augustine’s Hospital in lCU for a couple of weeks in a coma. My son has been to Arthur for a few treatments and to my amazement has recovered enormously. I would like to thank Arthur Rosen for his dedication to his profession and for all the care and understanding he has given to my son during his recovery”. Marlene K.

“I have been attending regular reflexology sessions with Arthur John Rosen for the last 7 months. Reflexology is excellent for pregnant women so when I found out that I was pregnant I decided to start. Each session is in a relaxing, warm setting where you feel that you are in safe, caring hands. Arthur has wonderful stories & anecdotes that he shares & makes you feel right at home. He always advises his clients on the latest articles or health information that he has read up on & you trust in the knowledge that you receive. Furthermore, each treatment is wonderful & revitalising. I have had a really great pregnancy & whenever I felt a cold coming on it definately helped keep it at bay & diminshed any other pregnancy-related ailments. Thank-you Arthur for you dedication & kindness”. Yours sincerely, Liora L

Once again, I would like to thank you so much for sharing your skill and talent in the healing of my son, Cal. I didn’t get the opportunity to thank you for  your generous kindness in so willingly giving up your week-end time for him”, Thank you! Kind regards, Kay

“My husband is an Alzheimers’s sufferer who needs special care and attention and consequently we seek help from different sources. The most positive response that he gets is from Craniosacral therapy treatments administered by Arthur Rosen. In fact, the response is quite extraordinary, in that, after the treatments, Harold becomes more aware of his surroundings, more responsive and more alert. Arthur has a wonderful gift and is an outstanding therapist”. Sincerely, Iris Y

“For over 30 years I have suffered with the pain of tension headaches. These headaches occur whenever I have stress or tension. Since coming to regular weekly Reflexology sessions with you, the frequency and intensity of these headaches have lessened significantly. As a business consultant I cannot afford to take time off, but as a result of your treatments I have been able to serve my clients diligently and on schedule. I want to thank you for making my life easier and more productive”. Yours faithfully, Garth T

Giving Back

A portion of our time is allocated to “giving back” to  those less fortunate than ourselves.

“Arthur John Rosen, thank you for all your hard work & outstanding contributions to all our

DL Link patients”.

D L Link

Why Lifetime Health’s treatment approach is effective.

Therapeutic Reflexology and Craniosacral Therapy are gentle, safe, drug-free therapies that  improve health and help people get real & sustainable results, so they can feel better, live better and become happier and healthier – even if you’re battling a busy life!

The therapies enhance the body’s natural healing ability to restore health and integration of body, mind and spirit. It can enhance health in any circumstances, such as: stress & anxiety, injury, illness, severe trauma, and all the many stresses and strains of life, both physical and emotional, often resolving issues that are not helped by other means. It is a profoundly transformative process.

The therapies are primarily concerned with creating and maintaining a healthy balanced state on all levels, People come to me with a ‘condition’ or ‘syndrome’ or ‘disease’ which they want to resolved and because I take a dynamic view of ill health and of healthy balanced living, (treating the whole person), the therapies can influence all conditions affecting the whole person or any part of the person.

“We are not just physical beings, the way we respond to any experience in life, involves the mind as well. There is no such thing as a purely physical problem, an emotional problem, or a mental problem”.


Is Craniosacral Therapy an Effective Option for Anxiety & Depression?

We are not just physical beings, the way we respond to any experience in life, involves the mind as well. There is no such thing as a purely physical problem, an emotional problem, or a mental problem.

The problem

Maybe you have a serious health challenge, or maybe you’re just getting started on your health transformation journey, or maybe your current routine isn’t working for you…..

Is your problem worth solving – “am I ready”?

You are the best judge of that……If you want my advice, the answer is an emphatic YES and we become ready by committing. When I was diagnosed with Crohns disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, I was told that “we don’t know the cause, there is no cure & you just have to live with it”. I have managed to reverse my Crohns with my method & without medical intervention. I now live a life of good health & vitality , have more energy, better focus, less stress  & anxiety and am pain-free.

The solution

Though the therapies may seem foreign and mysterious to many Westerners, Therapeutic Reflexology & Craniosacral Therapy are effective because they treat the ‘whole’ person- physical body as well as emotions and without  medication or surgery. They have a special way of helping patients in ways no other approach can.

Our methodology can get you unstuck

because it helps you walk away from your past, so you can feel better and have a healthier future, with  more energy & vitality, lifted mood and life satisfaction. In addition they can save time & money by having less medical expenses.

Is this the right time for you to start?

If you want to look back in a year’s time and be happy with your progress, then this is the right time to start.

What will you get at sessions?

  • Sessions are completely confidential and the client is fully clothed.
  • Treatments are aimed at helping you if you have a serious health challenge, or you are getting started on your ‘health transformation’ journey.  or if your current routine just isn’t working for you.
  • Help in relaxing you physically & emotionally, re-energising you, helping you look and feel better.
  • Included in all treatments – Dietary and lifestyle counselling and habits, including body weight and fitness.
  • Practical  “take home” advice that they can implement immediately and easily.

Lifetime Health offers Reflexology & Craniosacral Therapy - Johannesburg
Benefits of Therapeutic Reflexology and Craniosacral Therapy at Lifetime Health (click here)

The benefits of Therapeutic Reflexology and Craniosacral Therapy.

Therapeutic Reflexology benefits

  • It works at a cellular level
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Calms and soothes
  • Creates feeling of wellbeing
  • Relaxes mind and body
  • Balances negative energies, such as anxiety, anger, fear and more ……………..
  • Improves circulation
  • Assists body in maintaining a balanced state
  • Improves sleep
  • Preventative and healing
  • Non invasive
  • Safe


Craniosacral Therapy benefits

  • Craniosacral therapy is a gentle and subtle whole person approach to health and healing.  It is a hands on therapy which is non-manipulative and non-invasive.
  • It enhances the body’s natural  healing ability and has been effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction (see “the Challenge” listed in the main body of this website.)
  • Physically, the therapy influences the central nervous system; brain and spinal column, as well as the cerebral spinal fluid that bathes it.  From our skeletal system and bones of the cranium  to the ebbing and flowing of our endocrine system.
  • Emotionally, the therapy can influence very deep and primary patterns, while providing the patient with resources to resolve emotional issues.
  • Spiritually, the therapy can create a greater self-awareness of our being.
  • Additionally, patients experience feelings of wellbeing, deep relaxation, improved concentration, better coping with challenging situations, clarity and courage in dealing with change.
What you need to know about Lifetime Health's treatments (click here)


About treatments – how many treatments, length of treatments, house calls & medical aid.

Reflexology and Craniosacral therapy treatments bring about effective results because they treat the physical body  and the mind –emotions (feelings).

Treating all elements is essential to get you feeling better and staying better.


How Many Treatments Will I Need?

This is one of the first questions that most people considering Reflexology or Craniosacral therapy have. A wide variety of people come for treatment and it depends on their problem. Some have serious health challenges; others are starting on their health transformation journey and others have a current routine that just isn’t working for them. My goal is to get to the ROOT cause of your problem and not merely give you a temporary “band-aid”. I heal through listening. touch, insightful or loving words, intent and the projection of loving energy. Fundamentally, I give people the energy they require to heal themselves and unlock their future. Illnesses take their own time to heal. Making no promises about the future gives me the freedom to stay present and do my best work. If we set up expectations, we limit ourselves.



This is what you can expect:

Arthur is deeply committed and dedicated to improving  your energy, health and wellbeing.


Most people feel a benefit after the first treatment and reduced symptoms of their condition.

Treatment times – Reflexology:

Babies  – 5 minutes

Toddlers – 15 minutes

Teenagers – 30 minutes

Adults and adolescents – 45 minutes

Treatment times – Craniosacral Therapy:

Babies, toddlers & teenagers – 30 minutes

Adults and adolescents – 60 minutes


House calls

Can be arranged for homebound patients.

Medical Aid

Our Reflexology treatments are covered by most medical aids. (This benefit only applies to Therapeutic Reflexologists registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa.) You will be furnished with appropriate invoices  so that you can clain from your medical aid.

My Goal

My goal is to work with you:

  • so you get transformative results to your nagging health concerns.
  • to help you take control of Your Wellbeing, as smoothly as possible, so you feel better, rebalance your energies, find peace, build focus and tame anxiety, for the long run.
  • so you enjoy a valuable experience.



How Does Therapeutic Reflexology Work and Why is it Valuable?

In the feet, there are reflex areas corresponding to all the parts of the body and these areas are arranged in such a way as to form a map of the body in the feet with the right foot corresponding to the right side of the body and the left foot corresponding to the left side of the body. In other words, the feet are a mirror image of the body. By having the whole body represented in the feet, the method offers a means of treating the ‘whole” person. This latter point is an important factor of Therapeutic Reflexology and allows not only symptoms to be treated but also the causes of symptoms.

It is delivered by using fingers and thumbs on the reflexes in the feet, hands, ears and body. Following illness, stress, injury or disease, the body is in a state of “imbalance” and vital energy pathways are blocked, preventing the body from functioning effectively. Reflexology can restore and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium and promotes healing.

We say about Therapeutic Reflexology, “the feet never lie”.


How Does Craniosacral Therapy Work and Why is it Valuable?

Craniosacral Therapy is a very gentle hands-on therapy. The aim of the therapy is to help resolve the trapped forces that are held in the body, which cause and impact disease and ill-health in both body and mind. This involves the practitioner “listening through the hands” to identify places where there are energy blocks, imbalances and “stuckness” and then follow the natural priorities for healing, as directed by the patient’s own physiology. It is an effective form of treatment for a wide range of conditions, helping to free people to live healthier, more effective and energetic lives and so they get peace of mind about their health. It takes a whole-person approach to healing and the inter-connections of mind, body and spirit are deeply acknowledged.

Craniosacral treatment is most often carried out with the patient lying down, fully clothed, in a quiet and peaceful environment. Treatment involves a very gentle touch of the practitioner’s hands. This light contact may be taken up on the Cranium (head) the Sacrum (tail-bone) the feet, the trunk, or any other part of the body as appropriate. Treatment is generally experienced as a profound relaxation and reintegration which may pervade the whole person, physically, mentally and emotionally, often accompanied by a feeling of lightness and ease.

Babies & Children

CST is wonderful for newborns and children.  CST helps to normalize the baby’s central nervous system, which governs virtually all our functions and can also improve a child’s general health. It can relieve your baby of stress, discomfort, reflux, breathing problems, and indigestion, among other benefits, avoiding the development of colic, respiratory problems and other baby illnesses.
CST is very gentle and special care is taken during treatments to comfort babies and children. CST treatments for newborns are in the region of 15 minutes.

All children are special and need to know that they are valued. Valued for being who they are and treated for who they are. They may be small beings, but are not inferior.

All children are special and need to know that they are valued. Valued for being who they are and treated for who they are. They may be small beings, but are not inferior. Nothing will happen during a treatment that might bother your child.

Treatments are natural & true and come from the heart.

Therapeutic Reflexology and Craniosacral therapy at Lifetime Health are done with the hands only, which in itself creates a wonderful feeling, because touch is fundamental to everything we think and feel and how we bond. The therapies support your body’s innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself, reduce stress and build your underlying energy. Both therapies have the potential to effect changes in just about any aspect of health, because they work at a cellular level, which is the basic building block of the body. When the body and emotions work together in harmony, patients experience an incredible sense of well-being, as no other method can deliver. This is a foundation of better engagement.

Patients describe sessions as calming and energising, with increased clarity of mind and a feeling of well-being – a foundation for their daily lives.

What conditions are Therapeutic Reflexology & Craniosacral Therapy effective for?

Because Reflexology and Craniosacral Therapy work at a cellular level (the cells are the basic building blocks of our bodies), they are effective for many physical & emotional conditions, including releasing tension, pain, stress and anxiety,  dysfunction and improving whole-body health and performance

If you have a serious health condition or if you are starting on your health transformation journey, or if your current routine isn’t working for you, Reflexology/Craniosacral therapy can help you get results, safely  and will save you time and money. Give Arthur a call on 082 456 0155 or email him at, in confidence. It’s worth the call.


Arthur’s Story

In the late 1900’s, Arthur Rosen, started experiencing intermittent pain and discomfort in his abdominal area. He ignored these symptoms until January 2004, when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Doctors told him it was incurable, and he would just have to “live with it”.

Arthur was off work for a considerable length of time as well as intermittently thereafter, which caused him a lot of anxiety, frustration and even, at times, despair. At work, his performance level was well below what it had been before, and his motivation and drive were also severely dented. Living with Crohn’s can turn your daily life upside down and leave you feeling helpless!

“I realized that I had to get myself well, because no one else was going to do it”, says Arthur. He tried various “non-medical” approaches and gradually his condition improved, until eventually he was able to go back to his doctor who was surprised to find no sign of the Crohn’s symptoms.

Arthur has managed to reverse an “incurable” condition, and without medical intervention! The diagnosis was confirmed by a leading medical specialist.

Was this  a “miracle” cure?  Not really. It was due to a drastically changed lifestyle, in which diet, exercise, self-management (what Daniel Goleman would call “emotional intelligence”), and Therapeutic Reflexology, all played a pivotal role.

When Arthur considered the method that he had used to cure himself, it got him thinking about other people who were living with the pain and discomfort of Crohn’s, as well as other nagging health conditions , like high blood pressure, diabetes, stress & anxiety, obesity etc , with no hope of relief.

He began treating people using his method. And he saw that the people who followed the steps of his method diligently, got excellent results.

Arthur developed and refined the method into a programme designed to help people who  are just starting off on their health journey, or people who are looking for a better way that gives them sustainable results or people who have serious health problems like cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.

The method is a step-by-step programme tailored to each person’s special needs, which targets essential elements of health, vitality & energy, including:

  • Physical health
  • Emotional health, especially anxiety & depression
  • Chronic & lifestyle illness
  • Dietary & lifestyle habits
  • Balancing of “feel good” hormones & neurotransmitters

Anchored by Therapeutic Reflexology and Craniosacral Therapy


Call Arthur 082456 0155 today,

to help you go from where you are to where you want to be

Lifetime Health’s Solution.

Reflexology and Craniosacral therapy treatments bring about effective results, because they treat the whole person (physical and emotional health).



This is what you can expect:

A protocol to help you restructure your habits to make your lifestyle healthier,

not by making greater effort, but simply by adopting better  better habits.

I am deeply committed and dedicated to helping patient’s improve their health, vitality and energy.

Without energy everything is static.


Most people feel a benefit after the first treatment and reduced symptoms of their condition.

Treatment times – Reflexology:

Babies  – 5 minutes

Toddlers – 15 minutes

Teenagers – 30 minutes

Adults and adolescents – 45 minutes

Treatment times – Craniosacral Therapy:

Babies, toddlers & teenagers – 30 minutes

Adults and adolescents – 60 minutes



How Many Treatments will I Require?

This is one of the first questions that most people considering Reflexology or Craniosacral therapy have. A wide variety of people come for treatment and it depends on their problem. Some have serious health challenges; some are starting on their health transformation journey and some have a current routine that just isn’t working for them. My goal is to get to the ROOT cause of your problem and not merely give you a temporary “band-aid”.


It is important to remember — you didn’t get this way overnight and you are not going to heal overnight either. I didn’t heal my own Crohns disease overnight, either. Reflexology and Craniosacral Therapy are like eating well or working out — you can’t do it just once and expect it to have a significant and lasting impact on your health. I am results-oriented and my goal is to get you to the point that you can stop treatment or transition to maintenance care as quickly as possible. On the other hand, without exception, my patients who have had the best results and who have gone on to truly “graduate” from their pain and health problems are those who have patiently committed to consistent treatment.

House calls

Can be arranged for homebound patients.


Medical Aid

Our Reflexology treatments are covered by most medical aids. (This benefit only applies to Therapeutic Reflexologists registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa.) You will be furnished with appropriate invoices  so that you can clain from your medical aid.

Motivational/Inspirational Talks

Arthur is available to speak

Health and Wellness for groups. Topics, such as: The Danger of Violating the Natural Laws of Healthy Living, are aimed at helping corporate companies improve the health, vitality and energy of executives and employees, so that they can meet their goals. When business is not fully supported by healthy employees, productivity, profit & growth suffer.

Topics include:

  • managing stress
  • burnout
  • better physical health
  • better emotional health
  • better sleep
  • gut health
  • and more………….

Meet Arthur John Rosen


Arthur John Rosen – Founder of Lifetime Health contact details



Tel: 082 456 0155

Lifetime health founder Arthur John Rosen

Call Arthur today 082 456 0155, to help you go from where you are to where you want to be.

Arthur ‘s commitment to supporting patients on their wellness journey is steadfast. 

Arthur is dedicated to supporting individuals who want help with nagging physical and chronic health challenges – enhancing their overall well-being and increasing their quality of life.

His approach emphasizes healthy, balanced living principles that are easy to follow and which empower individuals without relying on AI or technology.

Arthur’s strategy is safe, gentle and effective, focusing on enabling people to pursue fulfilling lives, achieve their goals, and cultivate happiness, resilience, and vitality. Moreover, it can save them time and money.

As health deteriorates gradually, productivity and performance decline unnoticed. Arthur’s goal is to reverse this trend and support individuals in optimizing their health, so they can live their best lives.

Lifetime Health

Against all odds

He was never prepared for half of what he went through, but he got through it: He suffered with gut problems for many years, but “I was always too busy to seek help.

My condition deteriorated, he explained, and I was eventually “forced to find time” to seek help. In 2003, I was diagnosed with Crohns disease, a chronic gut disorder and the experts told me ” We don’t know what causes Crohns and there is no cure. You need to take your meds for the rest of your life and you just have to live with it”.

I realised this was going to be costly and time-consuming – regular visits to the gastroenterologist and expensive meds for the rest of my life. Also, that living with Crohns could play havoc with my life and leave me feeling hopeless and helpless and as nobody else was going to help me, I needed to help myself.

Therapeutic Reflexology enabled me to reverse my Crohns disease, without medical intervention. So, of course I believe in it’s effectiveness, because it helped me feel better, live better and I am happier, healthier and fit. You can follow my journey from a chronic condition to recovery in my book: “How to be Free of IBD”. What if I told you he was me.

Patient benefits

• A commitment to excellence and a willingness to going above and beyond to ensure that every patient has a memorable experience with opportunities to enhance their health and wellness, learn new practices for self-care, and foster a sense of balance and vitality in their lives.
• Consistency in work quality and a commitment to best practices.
• Doing the work himself allows for greater control over the entire process, because he can manage and oversee every step, ensuring that it aligns with his standards and expectations.

How does Arthur’s unique ability support your desires?

Arthur’s unique ability is the essence of what he loves to do and do best. It’s his own set of natural talents and the passion and energy that fuels him to contribute in the ways that most motivate people.
His aim is helping people get clear about their future health and giving them the confidence to take the decisions they know they need to take, but perhaps haven’t yet done so.

Arthur’s major point of difference

  • Your health comes first. Time second.
  • I don’t treat mechanically, because treating mechanically is a waste of time. It’s not what intelligent therapists do. I prefer to think a little more about your challenges and the outcome you want.
  • Integrating physical and psychological health flexibility, because this helps you lead a more balanced, happier and resilient life.
  • I look for the parts that are not so obvious, not avoid them.


Arthur has diplomas in Therapeutic reflexology and Craniosacral therapy and is a registered practitioner with Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa and the Craniosacral therapy Association of South Africa He was trained by the “best” teachers and mentors (2003-2006). Thus, he has 20 years of clinical practice treating a wide variety of patients with chronic and nagging health conditions or those who don’t feel the way they’d like to feel. He engages actively in lifelong learning to stay abreast of developments in strategies and medical conditions.

3 success stories

“I would like to thank Arthur Rosen for his dedication to his profession and for all the care and understanding he has given to my son during his recovery from his accident”. Marlene K.
“Once again, I would like to thank you so much for sharing your skill and talent in the healing of my son, Cal. I didn’t get the opportunity to thank you for your generous kindness in so willingly giving up your week-end time for him”, Thank you! Kind regards, Kay
“Arthur treats my husband who suffers with Alzheimer’s. He has a wonderful gift and is an outstanding therapist”. Sincerely, Iris Y

Arthur’s values

He speak up about what needs to be better, and he believes in integrity, authenticity, fairness, kindness, empathy and dignity
He is always optimistic about what’s possible in the future

Lifetime Health is Arthur’s business. 

It’s strategy differs from many other approaches, because he believe that good health is a state of complete ‘togetherness’ of the mind, body and emotions. Mind and body are inseparable.

Want to know about?

Testimonials, qualifications, articles, newsletters, professional connections, or any other information you need? Easy. Just ask.

Contact Arthur

e-mail: Tel: 082 456 0155

or complete the form below to send an e-mail

Lifetime Health

Lifetime Health

14 Oakham, (townhouse complex) 14 John Ave Bedford Park 2007 At gate press 14# or 14*    

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