One of the effects of stress is overeating. (See “last” newsletter). Stress pushes people to binge and overeat high-fat, sugary, salty, “comfort foods”.
As overeating can have far-reaching consequences for our health, here is some additional information, which you may find helpful:
“It’s been another hectic day at the office and you’re feeling stressed, so you grab a chocolate bar during your afternoon break. You plan to take just a few bites. But before you know it, you’ve polished off the whole slab — and, temporarily, you may feel better, but……….”
overeating isn’t the only stress-related behaviour that can add kgs. Stressed people sleep badly, exercise less, drink more alcohol and smoke more – all of which can contribute to becoming weighty.
Some research suggests that when women are more likely to turn to food when stressed and men turn to alcohol or smoking.
Manage your stress with these 5 methods:
- Craniosacral therapy & Reflexology calm and soothe the mind and the body and reduce feelings of stress
- Eat a healthy diet.Poor dietary habits lead to binging and overeating.
- Exercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in releasing pent-up stress and tension.
- Set aside time for relaxation. eg meditation or yoga. An activity that is opposite to the stress response.
- Get sufficient sleep. Feeling tired can increase stress by causing you to think and behave irrationally.
1 minute health tip: All habits, good or bad feel completely natural. However, if you change a bad habit that feels natural to a good habit that feels natural, you feel the same, but you get totally different results.
If you want to confirm that you’re on track with your dietary habits or if you want better dietary habits that will reduce your stress and anxiety, then consider this an invitation to get in touch.