My mission, values and central purpose is to be a hero to all those who seek my help…………….
WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU is: you will be fully supported in transforming your vision into reality, when you work with me.
How many Reflexology sessions will I need?
Response to Therapeutic Reflexology varies from individual to individual and condition to condition. Your response is uniquely your own and can’t be compared to anyone else’s – even those cases that may appear to be similar to your own. The number of sessions needed varies widely and will be discussed with you at your first appointment.
You are probably a busy person and money doesn’t grow on trees. It is natural to feel impatient and to hope for a dramatic and rapid results from a new treatment. The short answer to this question is that an “average” initial course of treatment consists of four to six sessions, with most people noticing a clear benefit within three to four sessions. Usually during the initial course of treatment sessions are scheduled on a weekly basis, although in severe cases more frequent treatments are necessary. Many chronic problems (for example pain, gut problems, stress & anxiety) require multiple courses of treatment before it is possible to transition to maintenance care.
It is important to remember — you didn’t get this way overnight and you are not going to heal overnight either. Similarly I didn’t heal my own Crohns disease overnight. Reflexology and Craniosacral Therapy are like eating well or working out — you can’t do it just once and expect it to have a significant and lasting impact on your health. am results-oriented. I’m in the “transformation” business, not in the “sugar rush” business. My goal is to get you to the point that you can stop treatment or transition to maintenance care as quickly as possible. On the other hand, without exception, my patients who have had the best results and who have gone on to truly “graduate” from their pain and health problems are those who have patiently committed to consistent treatment.