Welcome to: 1 Minute Wellness – December 2014
I wish you and your loved ones, peace, joy and happiness over the festive season – and be safe!
Seven 1 minute wellness tips for the silly season that will keep you healthy and will still let you have loads of fun:
- Water. Sip 6-8 glasses a day. It helps us with our weight and keeps us hydrated.
- Eat smaller portions and don’t be tempted to have seconds, by eating the first serving slower.
- Keep your waist from getting wiiiiiiiiide, by giving fast food outlets a wiiiiiiiiide berth
- Alcohol. Extra calories and hangovers can make us miserable, so exercise moderation and alternate drinks with a glass of water.
- Have a siesta in the afternoon, if your regular sleep patterns are challenged. You deserve it and it will rejuvenate you.
- Do some exercise daily. Walking, swimming, gardening etc are all fine and will burn off a few calories.
- Above all, laugh, love, eat a little chocolate and have loads of fun!
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… chocolate….” – Homer Simpson.
If you want to feel revitalised, re-energised and have your mood lifted, or if you want help with any health issues, we’re running 30 minute Reflexology or Craniosacral therapy treatments at 30% discount during December and January. Consider this an invitation to get in touch.
May 2015 be your best year yet, bringing you abundant happiness, peace, prosperity, love, laughter and joy. Looking forward to sharing it with you!
P.S. If this newsletter has been helpful to you, why not forward it to your colleagues who could also benefit?
PPS If you’d like to comment, I’d love to hear from you.