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“Wouldn’t it be great if you could press an “undo” button, UNDO BUTTON 2after the festive season, which would restore your health, your weight and your fitness to the way it was before the festive season?”

The holidays are traditionally filled with family, fun and feasting. Indulging is part of many celebrations, but unfortunately, so is packing on the kilo’s.

Seven 1 minute wellness tips for the silly season that will help keep you healthy and will still let you have loads of fun:

  1. Don’t miss meals. It will help control your portions at the next meal.
  2. Keep your waist from getting wiiiiiiiiide, by giving fast food outlets a wiiiiiiiiide berth.
  3. Alcohol. Extra calories and hangovers can make us miserable, so exercise moderation and alternate drinks with a glass of water.
  4. Have a siesta in the afternoon. This is a time to re-charge your batteries.
  5. Do some exercise daily. Walking, swimming, gardening or a little more active play time with the little ones are all excellent ways to burn off a few calories.
  6. Water. Sip 6-8 glasses a day. It will help you with your weight and keeps you hydrated…….and ensure that your little ones are also drinking water!
  7. Above all, laugh, love, eat a little chocolate and have loads of fun!

Question? Will you have the time and energy at the beginning of next year, to figure out how to get your health, weight and fitness back to where it was, before the festive season?

If you want to feel revitalised and re-energised so that you can have a kick-start into 2016, call us for Reflexology or Craniosacral therapy treatments. 25% off all December and January sessions.

 May 2016 be your best year yet, bringing you abundant happiness, peace, prosperity, love, laughter and joy. Looking forward to sharing it with you!


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