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This is Arthur

Chronic stress can cause turmoil in your mind and body. and it can also cause you to experience…………..

  • Gastrointestinal problems, under or over eating, headaches, muscle pain and tension, chest pain, fatigue and sleeping problems. In fact, you  still feel tired when you get out of bed.
  • Irritability, feeling gloomy or sad.
  • Impatience and unkindness to other people and you may also withdraw because contact with other people is too much effort.
  • Drug, tobacco or alcohol misuse.
  • Change in sex drive.

At work

  • You no longer look forward to going to work, because everything is an effort.
  • Tasks take longer to complete, because you often find it difficult to concentrate.
  • You have been reprimanded for your mistakes and you find it difficult to meet project completion dates.
  • You are unwilling to disclose your condition to your employer for fear of losing your employment or killing your chances of promotion. This increases your stress and anxiety levels

Sometimes life just doesn’t seem  fun anymore and the prospect of improvement seems far away.

# Action tip:  5 simple ways to manage stress.

  • Practice deep breathing.
  • Exercise.
  • Healthy lifestyle.
  • Limit social media time.
  • Engage with others.

Got a question?

Need some help with stress and anxiety or helping your employees’ manage their stress and anxiety? … give me a call. Now’s the time. Let’s go to work! 

Call Arthur 0824560155.  I’m about Simple| Flexible |Sustainable  – not about doing ALL THINGS RIGHT ALL THE TIME (Because that’s impossible.) My aim is for participants to experience that winning feeling.

“Don’t tie yourself to your history. Tie yourself to your potential.”

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