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Have you ever been told: “There is no cure for  your condition and you just have to live with ……………”  or “Oh, I believe you’ve got ………..disease and you’re going to have it for the rest of your life”. 

I have been told both of these! Not the kind of comforting words you want when to hear you have a chronic health condition.

Well,  I have managed to reverse my Crohns and without chronic medication.

So, how can you reverse your chronic condition? Here’s an idea from actor, Clint Eastwood:

“What keeps you going?”  Just before Clint Eastwood turned 88, he was asked this question.

I get up every day and don’t let the old man in” , he replied

Perhaps we can apply this great philosophy to our wellness.

Here ‘s a 3 part formula to get you going on your wellness journey:

  1. Get up everyday, stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye and say out loud ” I don’t let illness in”.
  2. Is it worth improving your wellness? This is an easy answer. Who doesn’t want freedom from illness, have more energy, effectiveness, lifted mood, better connection with others, happiness, better sleep, better sex life and being able to maintain an ideal weight?
  3. Can you do it? This is also an easy answer. If I can do it, you can do it and I will show you where to start and “hold your hand”, every step of the way.

What do you think?

Need some wellness advice or helping your employees to manage theirs? (… give me a call. No other approach can do what Therapeutic Reflexology And Craniosacral therapy do. Now’s the time. Let’s go to work!

Call Arthur 0824560155.  I’m about Simple| Flexible |Sustainable  – not about doing ALL THINGS RIGHT ALL THE TIME (Because that’s impossible.) My aim is to give participants a fulfilling, fun and liberating experience and it will be my privilege to help you get the results you want.

“Don’t tie yourself to your history. Tie yourself to your potential.”


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